Shiloh welcomes you to our Church family. We are truly a vibrant community of passionate believers looking to serve in all aspects of life. As a holistic ministry, we seek to grow, teach, and help others come to know the Shalom (peace) of God.
Shiloh welcomes you to our Church family. We are truly a vibrant community of passionate believers looking to serve in all aspects of life. As a holistic ministry, we seek to grow, teach, and help others come to know the Shalom (peace) of God.
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church BR’s “A Closer Look” broadcast is being moved from CW21 to KZUP
After more than 8 years and due to network management decisions beyond our control, Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church BR’s “A Closer Look” broadcast is being moved from CW21 to KZUP. The move is effective THIS SUNDAY, at our 6:00 p.m. time slot. Direct TV subscribers will not be able to view us on television, but you may still view via our YouTube channel and Facebook page.
Please share this information with others and Thank you for your consistent support of Shiloh’s television presence.
Facebook: Shiloh Missionary Baptist ChurchBR