Shiloh welcomes you to our Church family. We are truly a vibrant community of passionate believers looking to serve in all aspects of life. As a holistic ministry, we seek to grow, teach, and help others come to know the Shalom (peace) of God.
Shiloh welcomes you to our Church family. We are truly a vibrant community of passionate believers looking to serve in all aspects of life. As a holistic ministry, we seek to grow, teach, and help others come to know the Shalom (peace) of God.
Summer Youth Enrichment 2023!!
Shiloh Charitable Foundation is sponsoring a Summer Youth Enrichment Program designed for youth between the ages of 14 to 18 years old. Youth will be placed on jobs of their vocational interest. Applications are available for pickup from the Charitable Foundation and Church Offices. The program starts June 2, 2023 and ends July 14, 2023 total of 6 weeks.