We award scholarships to student members of SMBC, as well as students of the Baton Rouge community, pursuing higher education through university, college, or technical school. Anyone can give to support scholarships by designating monetary donations as scholarship support on envelopes during the regular church service or by contacting the Shiloh Foundation.
per year in scholarship support
scholarships per year
Eligibility varies for each scholarship, so check each application for the full details on who is eligible to apply for that award.
Applications for all scholarships may be picked up in the Charitable Foundation Office. They may also be downloaded from our website, www.shilohbr.com. Please email your application to bkenne3@outlook.com, or place in the Scholarship Mailbox in a sealed envelope in the Church Office, or mail to P. O. Box 80025, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-0025, (BEFORE THE DEADLINE). Address the envelope Attention: Dr. Betty Kennedy.
All applications are considered equally, based on a points system. Complete your application thoroughly, with as many details as possible, proofread all materials, and follow all directions for the best chance.
For further questions, contact the following:
Rev. Jennifer Jones, Chairperson
Ms. Jackie Williams
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