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Louisiana Center for Health Equity

Join Louisiana Center for Health Equity and our partners virtually on January 13, 2021 at 6:00 PM, for “Louisiana’s Quest for Equitable Healthcare Continues” as we celebrate Medicaid expansion’s 5th year anniversary and Louisiana’s progress, and discuss our journey forward. All are welcome and we encourage you to share your story.

The Louisiana Center for Health Equity has been on a decade-long quest to improve access to equitable healthcare for all communities across the state. LCHE’s work continues on that path.
This gathering is for everyone, including the media, community members, community leaders, and healthcare providers, professionals and so on.
We will explore: Does healthcare coverage equal quality healthcare? How has COVID 19 impacted Black communities?, Is Ochsner Health’s alleged disparate treatment of Black patients being addressed? And much more! This will be a platform for some to share their stories.

The public is invited. Please join us for this FREE virtual gathering by registering with the link below:
Thank you!

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