- This event has passed.
We are Re-opening on March 13, 2022, with worship at 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. As we welcome you back into the Sanctuary, please note the following:
- We will continue with our Modified Order of Worship.
- We are asking that you wear masks and exercise social distance. We will have masks and sanitizer on hand.
- The sanctuary will be sanitized between worship experiences. We are asking you to assist us by remaining out of the sanctuary between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30a.m.
- We will continue with small groups rendering music until the Music Ministry is ready to retu1n to choirs.
- Ushers are asked to serve.
- No return to worship folders; we will rely on the screens.
- Bus service will resume on March 20, but riders must wear mask.
- Offering may be placed in secure receptacles located at the three entrances, or you may continue to use electronic giving or mail.
- Virtual Sunday School will continue.
- Virtual announcements will continue to run on our media platforms and our website.
- You are welcome to return to in-person Bible Study on Wednesday, March 16, at Noon. We will not immediately return to Evening Bible.