Psalm 110 is totally Messianic. Written 1,000 years before Christ, it is the Old Testament passage most frequently quoted in the New Testament.
The oracle of Yahweh is not addressed to David or any human king, but to Messiah. Verse 1 is a summary statement, which is amplified in verses 2 and 3. David is reporting a solemn prophetic statement of God. Yahweh (“the Lord”) is described as speaking to David’s Lord—Adonai (“my Lord,”), the Messiah. Messiah is given the position of co-regent. To “sit at God’s right hand” meant to share His power and His position.
While Messiah was to share in the power and prestige of Yahweh’s reign, there was a gap of time indicated between the time of His exaltation and His triumph. There is both a present and a future dimension to the prophetic oracle of Yahweh. The enemies of Messiah will be subject to Him, but not immediately. Messiah was elevated to a position of equality with Yahweh, yet the outworking of His power was yet viewed as future.
“You were forged a strong scepter by God of Zion; now rule, though surrounded by enemies!” A time will come when Yahweh will hand the scepter to Messiah, an indication that He now is to utterly subdue His foes. At this appointed time, Messiah will establish His rule over His enemies.
“Your people will freely join You, resplendent in holy armor on the great day of Your conquest.” This speaks of the host of volunteers who gladly follow Messiah as their king. These volunteers were pictured as priests. The figure of the dew falling in the early hours of the morning may speak of the freshness and enthusiasm of a multitude of followers.
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