Daily Devotional

September 3rd 2024


“You’re going to listen with your ears, but you won’t hear a word; you’re going to stare with your eyes, but you won’t see a thing. These people are blockheads! They stick their fingers in their ears so they won’t have to listen; they screw their eyes shut so they won’t have to look, so they won’t have to deal with me face-to-face and let Me heal them.”—Acts 28:26, 27 (MSG)

We all praise God when He brings us out of struggle; some of us have grown to the place that we can praise God as we anticipate struggle. But, to prevail in life, we must learn how to praise God while we wait for His deliverance.
There’s much from which we need to be delivered. We need to be delivered from racial strife, economic upheaval and political sectarianism. Many need to be delivered from a sinister self-hatred that allows us to think that everything about us is inferior and everything about others who are not like us is superior; we need to be delivered from low expectations and destructive self-concepts. We need to be delivered from the regular attacks of Satan and his allies—both human and demonic—who knows our weaknesses and will expose them to our detriment and humiliation.
Deliverance can only come from the Lord and from the Lord alone. And in this text, we are told that our thanksgiving for deliverance should not be withheld until deliverance comes, but should be a part of our everyday conversation with God and with the people around us.
For deliverance to take place, we must want it. When Zacchaeus heard Jesus was passing by, he climbed a sycamore tree to see the Master (Luke 19:1-10)—he wanted deliverance. When Bartimaeus heard Jesus was passing by, he screamed at the top of his lungs, “Jesus…have mercy on me” (Mark 10:46-52)—he wanted deliverance. When the woman with constant bleeding heard Jesus was passing by, she fought pressed through a crowd just to touch His garment (Matthew 9:20-22)—she wanted deliverance.
Too many lack a genuine desire to know the Lord. It’s a privilege and honor to know that God is willing to use us, even when we are enduring trial.

Prayer: Lord, we need to be delivered; we know that You are the only means of our deliverance. We resolve to be better in the days You have placed before us than we were in the days that have passed. Our opportunity is at hand and we exhort You today to help us to make the most of our opportunity. In the name of Your Son, our Christ, we pray. AMEN!

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