Daily Devotional

January 14th 2025


But here on this mountain, God-of-the-Angel-Armies will throw a feast for all the people of the world, a feast of the finest foods, a feast with vintage wines, a feast of seven courses, a feast lavish with gourmet desserts. And here on this mountain, God will banish the pall of doom hanging over all peoples, the shadow of doom darkening all nations. Yes, He’ll banish death forever. And God will wipe the tears from every face. He’ll remove every sign of disgrace from His people, wherever they are. Yes! God says so!—Isaiah 25:6-8 (MSG)

This is a promise of victory, given while trouble was still looming. For Judah, Assyria was still a threat, and Babylonian captivity was not yet on the horizon. But before the struggle begins, victory is celebrated; before the heat comes, shade is provided; before tears are shed God promises to wipe them away.
Traditionally, the coronation of a new king was celebrated with a banquet. Isaiah now pictures such a feast in honor of the coronation of Yahweh. It is a coronation for all people—Jew and non-Jew—to be held on Mount Zion, a reference to Jerusalem.
There is great abundance—the finest foods, vintage wines, and lavish desserts. This highlights God’s unparalleled provision. Better still, God will remove the veil of mourning so that the banquet will be a time of great joy. Specifically, we are promised the removal of Death, Tears and Disgrace.
“At that time, people will say, ‘Look at what’s happened! This is our God! We waited for Him and He showed up and saved us! This God, the One we waited for! Let’s celebrate, sing the joys of his salvation (verses 9 and 10).’” Seated at that great banquet table, the saints of the ages realize that their patience had been rewarded. To wait is to put things in God’s hands and continue to believe even with the passage of a long interval of time. They celebrate God’s power because God’s hand of blessing rests there.
Even as we face troubles—corporate and individual—we have reason to praise God. Our trials are, somehow, a part of God’s process of bringing us to wholeness. We do not always understand it; we do not always like it. But we must maintain a faith in God that reassures us that, once complete, we shall come forth as pure gold.

PRAYER: Lord, as we go today, may we be tethered to You, so that we can celebrate victory even before the battle is over. Thank You for Jesus, the fulfillment of Your Promise of deliverance, of love, of compassion, of provision and of power. In His name, we pray. AMEN!

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