In Daniel 9:4-15, Daniel prays for the remnant of Judah. Judah’s years of judgment and exile were nearing an end. The people would soon be given the opportunity to return home and rebuild their lives.
Consider the confession portion of the prayer:
(1) Daniel repents for his sin and his fellow-Jews. Daniel doesn’t minimize Judah’s collective sin. Daniel makes it clear that Judah’s exile was the consequence of Israel’s sin. For confession to be effective, it must always begin with honest introspection.
(2) The standard Daniel uses is the Word of God. Sin is determined not by personal feelings, social morès or political values. In the New Testament, the standard is agapè—love that is without limit or restriction. We sin when we fail to employ that that standard.
(3) Daniel understands Judah’s exile as the result of a broken covenant with God. There are consequences for sin; though judgment may be withheld for a time, it will not be withheld forever. We are no longer bound to sin and no longer subject to divine judgment (Galatians 4:1-4). But when we do sin, either by grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30) or quenching the Holy Spirit (I Thessalonians 5:19), we lose fellowship with God. That fellowship is immediately recoverable (I John 1:9), though the consequences may carry us to through various changes.
(4) Daniel contrasts Judah’s sin with the character of God. Daniel says, “righteousness, compassion and forgiveness belong to God.” This implies ownership, which means they can only be obtained from God; these qualities are under His control. It is only when we rightly see God that we can rightly see ourselves.
(5) Daniel’s intercessory confession is precisely what was needed by Judah to be forgiven and restored. What was true of them, is also true of us: “But God is faithful and fair. If we admit that we have sinned, He will forgive us our sins. He will forgive every wrong thing we have done. He will make us pure (I John 1:9).”
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