“Bread” is a symbol of all the necessities of physical life—shelter, clothing, monetary provision, mental stability, social interaction. The vital concern in this area is that there be available to us an immediate unbroken supply. So this prayer moves right at the issue when it says, “Give us each day our daily bread.” The only limit in this prayer is that we are never to pray for a surplus. We are to pray for one day’s supply.
Perhaps this has become such a familiar request in the repeating of The Model Prayer that we do not take it seriously. It may be that this is the most flagrant and frequent area of Christian disobedience. But Jesus meant it when He taught us to pray, “give us each day our daily bread.”
“What happens when we neglect this area of prayer?” If we’re honest, we will see that a slow and subtle change occurs in our hearts when we don’t take time to thank God for our daily supply of the necessities and the luxuries of life. What happens is that we take these things for granted, and gradually we succumb to the foolish delusion that we can provide these necessities ourselves. We become possessed with the incredible vanity that our wisdom and our abilities have really made these things possible. And when we begin to think that way, we find pride swells within us and a kind of blindness settles upon us, a blindness that darkens our spiritual insight, and we become moody, restless and depressed.
We need to give thanks to God…daily. We must always remind ourselves that everything we have comes from God’s hand…daily. We must remember that it is only God’s grace and goodness that keep our needs flowing unhindered to us…daily. The only way that we can avoid ingratitude is to pray daily for our physical needs.
(We invite your comments. Feel free to share this devotion with your friends and invite them to subscribe by forwarding their email address to the Pastor at: fredjeffsmith@gmail.com.)
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