Paul introduces this most important truth in all of Christianity: We are made alive in Christ. Paul says that God gave us new life “because of what Christ has done.” We are “raised up with Christ.” God has seated us with Him in His heavenly kingdom. God has come to live in us, He has joined Himself to us and we are one person with Him.
Jesus also taught this: “I am the vine. You are the branches (John 15: 5a).” We can’t tell where the branch ends, and the vine starts. They are one plant, sharing one life together. So, we are new creations, linked with Jesus Christ.
Later in this letter, Paul likens the Church to a body, of which Christ is the head. As we examine our bodies, we note that every part is tied to the other; they share the life of the body. The parts aren’t attached mechanically; rather, it is organic. These figures are given to us to show the intimate way we are tied to Christ. He is our life.
We must not think of ourselves in any other way—go back to thinking that we are independent individuals, struggling on through life, trying to make it the best way we can, needing to mobilize all our human resources to try to get ahead of the other fellow and to achieve as much of the fulfillment of life as we can. When we believe that, we go right back to acting as we once did. We must stand firmly on the truth that we are alive in Jesus Christ!
Finally, note that these verbs are all in the past tense. This is something that has happened, not something that is going to happen. It occurred when we surrendered to Jesus. We don’t have to work toward it. It is not something that great saints achieve after years of effort. It is something that is already true, and every Christian has this experience.
Experientially, the most important truth in all of Christianity is that we are made alive in Christ. As we go today, let us discover His life, so we may properly appreciate our lives.
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