This testimony about Solomon’s wisdom comes from the Queen of Sheba. Sheba was that area of North Africa or the Middle East that we know today as either southern Saudi Arabia and Yemen, or Ethiopia, or both. Though her actual name is not recorded in the Bible, Muslim tradition says that she was called Balkis. An Ethiopian account also claims that she had at least one child with Solomon. Her visit to Israel and with Solomon is recorded in II Chronicles 9, but also in I Kings 10.
According to the scripture, news of Solomon’s wisdom had spread beyond the borders of Israel into other countries. When the Queen of Sheba heard of it, she was intrigued and came to test Solomon with a series of hard questions. When she saw and heard for herself of Solomon’s wisdom and of the prosperity of Israel, she was satisfied and offered this testimony.
Key in understanding this testimony is the use of the personal pronoun, “your God.” Clearly, this indicates that the Queen was not a worshiper of Solomon’s God. Thus, her testimony here, true as it is, represents the testimony of the world. She was attracted by what she had heard about Solomon, but she was skeptical. She came to verify according to her own methods of testing and was surprised when Solomon met and surpassed her expectations. And only then does she offer this testimony.
This is how the world approaches Christianity, with skepticism and an intention to test and disprove our profession. If we are to receive the same kind of testimony that the Queen gives to Solomon, then we must be as faithful and consistent in our living for God as Solomon was at this point of his life.
The best method of evangelism is lifestyle evangelism.
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