Most of us know little about Jehoshaphat’s story, but there is practical counsel we can glean from it.
Jehoshaphat reigned for 25 years—from 873-848 BC—as King of Judah. He never engaged in idol worship. Jehoshaphat established a government in Judah based on the type of government that God established when the Hebrews entered the Promised Land. He appointed judges in all of the fortified cities to hear cases brought before them and to settle disputes.
It reminds us that, in serving God’s people, we need not seek other models of how to accomplish it. We need only to employ the models that God has given to us.
Jehoshaphat instructed these judges to not simply consider subjectively what they thought would benefit someone or just give the people what they thought they wanted. Instead, they should remember that they represented God before the people. Our service to one another is a reflection of our devotion to God.
The word Jehoshaphat uses for, “the fear of the Lord,” is, “sebomai,” which describes looking upon God with awe because of God’s immense holiness and righteousness. When Jehoshaphat urges these Judges to live in the fear of the Lord, he is urging them to worship the Lord through their vocation.
In addition to the judges in the fortified cities, Jehoshaphat appointed Levites and priests in Jerusalem. He chose responsible heads of families, who should know how good families function to give judgment for the Lord. They were to be faithful to God’s law and serve wholeheartedly out of love.
In all of this, we learn that our worship should be an outgrowth of our vocation and daily living, not merely a Sunday activity. When we serve our vocation with honor and integrity, we worship the Lord with honor and holiness.
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