Daily Devotional

April 16th 2024


Then [God] took [Abram] outside and said, “Look at the sky. Count the stars. Can you do it? Count your descendants! You’re going to have a big family, Abram!” And he believed! Believed God! God declared him “Set-Right-with-God.” —Genesis 15:5, 6 (MSG)

Notice the sequence: Abram believed God…trusted God…had confidence in God. That is very different than saying, “Abram believed the promise.”
Faith is not believing in the things that are promised, but believing the One who make the promise. If we have a relationship with God, then confidence in the things that God says flows out of the relationship we have. The relationship is the most important thing, not any expectation of what we may receive from the relationship. Abram rested in the relationship he had with God, and belief in what God said proceeded because God said it.
There is no faith without a relationship. It is true that when God saw Abram’s faith, it was reckoned to him for righteousness. But what is more important is that when Abram saw God, heard God, experienced God, based on the burgeoning relationship Abram was developing with God, he reckoned that God was able to perform what He had promised.
Based on the relationship, Abram looked past the difficulty of what was promised, and focused on the One who had promised. Abram’s eye was not resting on the problems, but upon the Promiser. When he saw the greatness of God, the might and majesty displayed before him, he said to himself, “It makes no difference how I feel or what difficulties may be involved. The Creator of the stars will give me an equal number of descendants.”
“Abram believed God.” This is said about Abram again and again. As Abram’s relationship with God grew, as it expanded and deepened, his belief had benefits: “God declared him ‘Set-Right-with-God.’”
Today, we are encouraged to believe God—not merely about a promise of what shall be, but about the Son who has already come. When we cease our own works and rest in absolute dependence upon that living Son, we too are declared, “Set-Right-with-God.”

Prayer: Lord, as we go today, teach us the value of having a relationship with You. Teach us the value of believing You. Teach us the glory of God-dependence. In every moment of fear or doubt, teach us to cast ourselves upon You, to stand on Your promise to be our Shield and Reward. In the name of the Son who has already come, and will come again, we pray. AMEN!

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